Tennis Net Height For Doubles

Do you wonder about the net height in tennis when playing doubles? There are several court differences when playing singles and doubles tennis, which might make you wonder if there is a difference in the net’s height too.

A tennis net is 3 feet high in the center of the court and 3 feet 6 inches high at the sides. Two poles hold the net in place. The net is slightly lower in the middle of the court than at the sides because of its weight. The net’s height when playing singles and doubles tennis is the same.

Although the net’s height is the same when playing singles tennis or doubles tennis, there are several court differences. We’ll discuss the differences between the net and court when playing doubles and singles tennis to give you a better idea of how these two differ.

How High Is The Tennis Net When Playing Doubles?

The net height is critical when playing tennis, as it can ruin your game if the net isn’t set to the proper height. When playing doubles, the tennis net must be set to 3 feet and 6 inches at the sides. The net is held in place by a pole on each side that supports it. The net will then be exactly 3 feet high in the middle of the court.

This change in height from the sides to the middle is because of the net’s weight, making it hang slightly lower in the middle. The net must also be 3 feet away from the doubles sidelines when playing doubles, so the posts don’t get in the way of the player’s vision.

Considering that these are the dimensions when playing doubles tennis, you may wonder if the net is different and set to a different height when playing singles.

Is The Net Different When Playing Singles And Doubles Tennis?

Despite the court size and game structure differences when playing doubles and singles tennis, the net is set to the same height for both games. The net is also 3 feet 6 inches high at the sides and 3 feet high in the middle when playing singles tennis.

You don’t have to adjust your hitting angles when playing singles or doubles tennis. As mentioned, it is of utmost importance that the net is set to this exact height. Otherwise, you may find yourself hitting into the net for the entire match, especially when playing lower shots.

Although the net height is the same when playing singles and doubles tennis, there are several differences between these two types of tennis on the court. You may wonder how the court differs when playing singles or doubles tennis, so let’s consider these differences in more detail.

Singles VS Doubles In Tennis: How Does The Court Differ?

There are several strategic differences when playing singles and doubles tennis. If you don’t know the difference between these two, singles tennis has two players on the court, one on each side. Doubles tennis has four players on the court, two (of the same team) on each side.

Of course, this means that there is less space on the court for each player, making the court smaller. But there are also several court differences when playing singles and doubles tennis to accommodate the additional players. The primary differences in the court when playing singles and doubles tennis are:

  • The width of the court
  • The width of the net
  • The playing area

Understanding these court differences will help you grasp some of the differences between singles and doubles tennis, helping you to adjust your playing strategy accordingly. So, let’s discuss these differences in more detail.

Width Of The Court

The length of the court when playing singles and doubles tennis is the same at 78 feet. However, there is a difference in the width of the court. When playing singles tennis, the total width of the court is 27 feet. You aren’t allowed to hit the ball into the outer white section, as this is considered out.

When playing doubles, the width of the court is 36 feet, and you consider the outer white lines as the sidelines. Hitting over these lines will be considered out, but you can hit the ball into the outer white section, which accounts for the wider court size when playing doubles.

The wider court affects the total playing area of doubles tennis, which we will discuss later. However, the wider court also affects the net. How does the court width affect the net, you may ask?

Width Of The Net

Seeing as the court is wider when playing doubles tennis, the net must also be wider to accommodate the change. When playing singles tennis, the net must be 33 feet wide to cover the court’s width and ensure a 3-foot overlap on each side.

When playing doubles, the width of the net should be 42 feet to ensure that the entire width of the court is covered and there is still a 3-foot overlap on each side. Most clubs permanently have doubles nets on their courts since you can play singles tennis with a doubles net, but you can’t play doubles tennis with a singles net.

Certain courts, like Wimbledon or other prestigious courts, may change the nets for singles or doubles tournaments. Still, it depends on whether it is only a singles tournament or if there will be a mix of singles and doubles matches.

Playing Area

Finally, since the court is wider when playing doubles tennis, the total playing area is also more. When playing singles tennis, the total playing area of the court is 2106 square feet. This means that both players have an area of 1053 square feet to cover.

When playing doubles, the total court surface area is 2808 square feet, meaning that each player has an area of 702 square feet to cover, and each team has an area of 1404 square feet to cover. Despite the differences in the court width, net width, and playing area, single players still have a much larger court to cover than each doubles player.

This is why many consider singles tennis a more challenging form of tennis since you must read your opponent better and have more ground to cover. Regardless, many people enjoy doubles tennis as there is more of a social aspect to this style of tennis.


The net height for doubles tennis is the same as for singles tennis, 3 feet and 6 inches on the sides and 3 feet in the center. The net is slightly lower in the center because of its weight. The tennis net for doubles is longer than for singles, as the court is wider.
