How To Store Ping Pong Paddles

Keeping your paddles safe from harm is the key to making the most out of every game. That’s why you have to safely store your paddles after using them. Doing that will also help you transport them better. So, how do you store ping pong paddles?

To store your ping pong paddle, you have to buy a racket case and place your paddle there. Ideally, you’ll get a case that covers the entire paddle, not the blade alone. At the same time, you need to place the racket case somewhere mild because harsh temperatures can damage your paddle.

Storing your paddle is but one step, though. You need to clean it and wrap it before you store it – and know how to transport it properly once you have it in storage. Fortunately, these things are easy to learn.

What’s The Best Way To Store Ping Pong Paddles?

Ideally, you’ll use a protective rubber sheet to wrap your paddle in and then store it in a racket case. Nevertheless, if you cannot afford a protective sheet, you can make your own using household items, such as zip lock bags and paper sheets.

Buying a protective rubber sheet is a straightforward way to keep your paddle away from dirt, debris, and other stuff. However, beginner players may look for a more affordable option.

Wrapping your paddle using a zip lock bag will give it an airtight seal necessary to keep dirt away.
The ultimate DIY way to store your paddle is to wrap it using paper. It does the trick – but you should upgrade your storing methods after a while.

Once you wrap your paddle, put it in a racket case to avoid banging it when you transport it. At the same time, remember to clean your paddle before wrapping it.

Are Racket Cases Necessary For Your Ping Pong Paddle?

If you want to protect and keep your paddle safe from harm and ensure you get the most out of it, store it in a racket case after wrapping it in a protective rubber sheet. A racket case is solid on the outside and full of foam inside, ensuring your racket is away from harm between games.

For example, when you put your bag down, you may hit your paddle on the floor. You may drop it accidentally. There are countless scenarios where a racket case will save the integrity of your paddle.

Nevertheless, there are different racket cases. When buying a new one, try to go for premium options. Affordable cases may offer less protection for your paddle.

How Do You Transport Your Ping Pong Paddle?

The best way to transport your paddle is to do so within your sight. So, when you’re in the car, don’t put it in the trunk – have it on the passenger seat instead. When traveling by plane, put your paddle in your carry-on bag, not your luggage.

Keep your paddle somewhere mild. Extreme heat or cold will damage it. Too hot and the plastic will melt; too cold and the paddle will bristle. The trick is to keep it somewhere where you can comfortably walk wearing a shirt and jeans.

It goes without saying you have to clean, wrap, and store your paddle before transporting it.

What’s The Best Way To Clean A Ping Pong Paddle?

Cleaning your paddle is a one-minute ordeal that requires almost nothing. Grab a paper towel or piece of cloth and a glass of water. Dip the cloth in the glass, remove the excess water, and clean the paddle.

The right way to clean your paddle is to do so from the bottom up – but there’s a trick! You have to hold it from the base and hold it with the top down.

That means the base should be looking up when you’re cleaning. You have to go from the base to the top of the blade in a straight line.

Move in a straight line, come up, and repeat until you cover the entire paddle. After that, turn it around, and do the same with the other side.

Can You Clean Your Ping Pong Paddle With Alcohol?

Always try to avoid using alcohol or other solutions that may damage your blade. In fact, you should use water alone whenever possible. Are you having a hard time with your paddle? Dissolve a small amount of dish soap in water and use it to clean it.

You can use alcohol as a last resort – but only when you find your paddle in a sticky situation water and dish soap cannot solve. Nevertheless, alcohol shouldn’t be your first cleaning option.

At the same time, using harsh cleaning solutions is also out of the question as well as taking advantage of baking soda, bleach, or vinegar. They will damage the plastic on your paddle and leave you with a useless blade.

When Do You Have To Clean Your Ping Pong Paddle?

You have to clean your paddle on two occasions: between matches and after a game. The former requires little effort to remove dirt, debris, and sweat from your paddle; the latter is a more intense cleaning process you have to do before you store your paddle.

Cleaning your paddle is a must before storing it. Otherwise, you’ll store a paddle full of dirt. Doing that will inevitably damage it. Nevertheless, you don’t have to be obsessive about it. As you can guess, too much scrubbing can harm your paddle too.

You should clean your paddle if you have stored it for a long time. There’s no need to bring out the big guns there, simply use water and a sponge or damp cloth before using it again.

How Do You Make Ping Pong Paddles Sticky Again?

Removing dirt and debris from the paddle usually makes it sticky again. Nevertheless, you may have an old paddle in your hands and want to bring it back to life. You can do so by applying sunflower oil onto it or replacing the rubber.

The best way to apply sunflower oil is by brushing it on. Buy a painter’s brush (the thin ones), dip it in sunflower oil, and carefully paint your blade with the oil. One coat of oil may not do the trick, but you can apply as many coats of oil as necessary.

When one too many coats of sunflower oil aren’t helping, it may be time to replace the rubber. However, this is a temporary solution to the situation. You shouldn’t replace the rubber of an old paddle but replace the paddle altogether. For relatively new ones, replacing the rubber may extend its lifespan until it’s time to buy a new one.


The best way to store your paddle is to clean it, wrap it in a protective rubber sheet, and place it in a racket case. Doing so will prevent unnecessary damage from happening to it. These safety precautions will extend the lifespan of your paddle the most, helping you play as many games as possible with it.
